It is with great excitement we are announcing our River Song Choir Project Finale event. Designed to reconnect our community through the joy of song and performance, we have been delivering a new choir classroom program to schools around the region culminating in a mass outdoor choir River Song Finale on Saturday 19 November 2022.
Participating schools are supported with a free choir workshop delivered by SWM with leading guest choral director Marie-Cecile Henderson to inspire participants with the power of song.
Participating schools include Barham Public School, Mayrung Public School, St Josephs Primary School Hillston, St Michaels Parish School Deniliquin and the South West Music Young Voices Choir.
There will also be performances by Sing Australia, Con Spirito Voices (Deniliquin), River Voices (Echuca) and The Gents (Deniliquin).
Saturday 19 November, 6pm
Deniliquin Baptist Church
Free Event
