Give the gift of music this Christmas. At South West Music Regional Conservatorium we sell annual Live Music Concert Series subscriptions which give access to all of our concerts throughout the year. These are only $120. They can be purchased at our Launch Event this Sunday or from the Conservatorium.
The Concert Series Launch event has moved to the South West Music Regional Conservatorium on Sunday 13 November at 3pm. Paul Young, Pianist & Head of Music at South West Music will now be performing for us, Expect Bach, Rachmaninoff & Chopin. Due to flooding in the area Hilary Manning (Harpist) has had to postpone.
This is a FREE event. RSVP to
You will learn about the exciting program we have put together for you for 2023 and have the opportunity to purchase your 2023 concert subscription. Complimentary drinks & nibbles.
#southwestmusic #southwestmusiccon #southwestmusicregionconservatorium #visitdeni #deniliquin #deniliquinsmallbusiness #shoplocaldeni #deni #launch #concertseries #christmasgift #paulyoung #headofmusic #piano #bach #rachmaninoff #chopin #givethegiftofmusic
