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Policies and Governance

South West Music Regional Conservatorium is a Child Safe organisation.


All personnel are required to undergo Working With Children Checks and teachers are required to complete annual mandatory Department of Education training.


Our Child Safety policies cover Adult Code of Conduct, Child Protection, Professional Boundaries and Self-Harming Behaviours. Please scroll down for full policy documnents. 


For more information regarding our policies and procedures, please email 

Annual Report 2023-2024

Annual Report 2022-2023

Student Handbook

Code Of Conduct


Child Safe Child Protection Program

Complaints Handling Policy

Lesson Cancellation Policy

Missed or cancelled lessons will no longer be refunded. However, if a teacher is away, you will have the option to either receive a credit or refund for that lesson.
We understand that life can sometimes get in the way, and people do get sick. As such, we will allow one grace lesson per term due to illness or unplanned extreme events whereby a credit or refund will be made available to you.  We wish to reiterate that your individual time slot is held for the duration of that term.


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