We would love to welcome you to study at South West Music Regional Conservatorium!
You can begin studying with us at any time during the year, at your school or at South West Music in Cressy Street, Deniliquin.
Enrolment FAQ
When we teach
Lessons run in line with the NSW public school term dates, usually 10 week terms.
*Barooga run in line with the VIC public school term dates, usually 10 weeks and take NSW public holidays.
2025 Teaching Dates
Term 1 - Deniliquin Thursday 13th February to Friday 11th April
Term 2: Wednesday 30 April to Friday 4 July
Term 3: Tuesday 22 July to Friday 26 September
Term 4: Tuesday 14 October to Friday 19 December
Individual lesson options
Individual lessons can be 30 minute, 45 minute or 60 minutes duration..
Lessons are offered:
During school - Individual instrument tuition on school premises during class times - 30 minute duration (participating schools only).
After school - Individual lessons at South West Music in Cressy St, Deniliquin. We offer 30 minute, 45 minute or 60 minutes lesson time slots.
Via video conferencing - for students who live in locations where there are no teachers available in their chosen instrument. We offer 30 minute, 45 minute or 60 minutes time slots.
Tuition fees
Individual lessons for every instrument are:
30 minute - $35.50
45 minute - $53.25
60 minute - $71.00
An administration fee of $20 is charged each term, once per family
Fees are charged at the start of each term and need to be paid prior to the commencement of lessons.
Ensembles and groups
Ensemble work or participation in a band is an addition to the individual tuition. Every member of the ensemble must pay the full term’s fees in advance before the ensemble/band program can commence.
Financial Support
We want to ensure all young people who want to can learn music.
If you are concerned about tuition fees, arrangements may be considered for a payment plan.
We also have a range of bursaries available. Please contact us to discuss the options.
Instrument Hire
If you don't have your own instrument, you can still learn! South West Music has a range of instruments for hire. There is an initial $50 returnable deposit for every instrument. The deposit is refunded when the instrument is returned in good order.
Instrument hire rates per term are:
$35 - Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone
$40 - Cello
$50 - Drum Kit
Re-enrolment and enrolment changes
Re-enrolment forms must be completed at the start of each year.
Contact us for a re-enrolment form.
For any changes to your enrolment, please contact our Administration Manager
Lesson Cancellation Policy
Missed or cancelled lessons will no longer be refunded. However, if a teacher is away, you will have the option to either receive a credit or refund for that lesson.
We understand that life can sometimes get in the way, and people do get sick. As such, we will allow one grace lesson per term due to illness or unplanned extreme events whereby a credit or refund will be made available to you.
We wish to reiterate that your individual time slot is held for the duration of that term.